Hi there.

This is a simple family website, highlighting our fun and adventures.

Tom in front of 10 Downing

This family is mostly vegetarian and a couple of vegans. We take joy in cooking and maybe mixing a cocktail or two. And the work we do isn’t just about the paycheck, it’s about our mission in life. This space is about all of that.

Food & Drink

Imagine a plant-based diet that is more fulfilling than tucking in a tri-tip or a New York Strip every night.

And a nice cocktail or glass of wine to go with it.


Fortunate to love doing what we can make a living from. Topics on work-life, selling, and building go-to-market operations for a startup b2b business.


A log of our adventures over the years.

Human beings are like big, rubbery test tubes. We are what we are because of microscopic amounts of chemicals we eat or fail to eat on any particular day.

Paraphrasing Kurt Vonnegut